Got something for you my ATL Royals!
As bad as I want to keep this boutique to myself, I just have to share! So remember when I told you all that I had the most disappointing trip looking around Buckhead and Lenox mall for my birthday outfit? Well here’s how it went down. I make my way into Arden B., which is where I found the dress for my boyfriend’s birthday last year (on clearance). So I figured I’d give them a shot for mine. Low and behold I found exactly what I was looking for…There was only one problem. The zipper was broken! It was zipped all the way down and wouldn’t move an inch!! I was heartbroken…Not only was it what I was looking for, but it fit in all the right places. To give you an idea of what I’m going for this year, here’s a picture:
It doesn’t have to look exactly like Chanel’s, but you get the picture…I want an elegant, sexy jumpsuit! It creates a beautiful silhouette for those with a tall and slender frame like myself. The drapery is just flawless on her. She’s covered up (mostly…lol), but it’s as provocative as a mini skirt! It’s sexy without being over the top. Anywho…Apparently a lot of people are feeling this look also because the stores and boutiques can’t keep them in!
Well on my way back from a doctor’s appointment in Alpharetta, I stopped by Atlantic Station to go to Fab’rik. And as I made my way over to DSW, all of these new boutiques caught my eye. I love boutiques because you’ll rarely see yourself at whatever event your going to. Boutiques sell a limited supply of clothing and that’s usually it once it sells out. However, you’re going to pay for that exclusivity. I normally pursue the sale racks to see what odds and ends I can find.
So imagine my surprise when I wonder into Eclectic Gal Boutique and lift price tag after price tag that doesn’t make me want to run for the door! I just KNEW this store was going to be ridiculously expensive. I mean it had to be, right? It was beautifully decorated in a gorgeous store front in Atlantic Station! I was so wrong. Not only are the prices budget friendly (avg. price ranging from $15-45), but did I get a chance to mention that it’s filled to the brim with vintage goodies??
And just as fabulous as the atmosphere was the Co-Owner, Christine Miller, who was extremely warm and inviting. I felt like I was shopping with a good friend who just happened to be a personal stylist. It was like having my very own June Ambrose! What I loved about her boutique is not only does she have classic pieces, but she also takes risks when it comes to some of the items she carries in the store. And she’s not afraid to suggest something that may be out of your comfort zone. Trust me, she knows what she’s doing. I found exactly what I was looking for and I can’t wait to post pictures right after my birthday. And what was crazy, was that I was torn between two outfits! Which in my opinion is a good problem to have. In the end, I chose to stick with my original sexy jumpsuit idea. And I couldn’t be happier!
If you want to truly personalize your wardrobe and add pieces that solidify your spot amongst the fashion forward- Eclectic Gal Boutique is a dream come true! And don’t do like I did and leave an outfit behind, because like Christine said, “It’s vintage! There’s only one and once it’s gone, it’s GONE!” So if you’re in the area, make sure you stop by and say hello (and tell ‘em Uptown Urban sent ya!). You’re bound to find something that will catch your eye. Check out the pics below!

I LOVE all of the African printed clothing sprinkled throughout the store. Traditional patterns with a modern twist!

**All photos and the EG logo was used for the sole purpose of this post and has been approved by the company.
“An Eclectic Gal is comfortable in her own skin and wears what makes her happy instead of folding to the tyranny of passing trends. Her style spans time, cultures and continents because she knows that the fun and glamour in dressing up comes from the mix of varying styles to form a cohesive look. An Eclectic Gal knows that its the woman behind the clothes that make the outfit, not the other way around.” – Christine M. & Shahnaz H.
Support Royally,
J. Clarice
I hit up EG today (yes…I’m addicted, lol) and got to talk with the other Co-Owner, Shahnaz Hughson, who is just as sweet and amazing as Christine. And I’m so excited because Eclectic Gal Boutique wants to team up and sponsor a GIVEAWAY!!! I can’t wait to stop by their shop soon and pick out an amazing gift for you guys. Thank you so much for all the love and support you’ve shown Uptown Urban! So be on the look out for all the details!!